Chronic tooth decay is a frequent problem in today’s youth. In the state of Washington, 40% of kindergarteners and 58% of third graders have been diagnosed with this condition. Tooth decay is a severe problem because it can easily lead into adult years where it becomes increasingly difficult to deal with. Fortunately, there are dental sealants available for children that can prevent progressive tooth decay and preserve oral health
Dental sealants are a thin plastic film that is placed over the depression of the tooth to protect it from acids, toxins, and harmful bacteria. The sealants are placed on a child’s back molars since that’s where a lot of harmful bacteria lurk. Dental sealants can prevent up to 80% of all cavities.
The recommended age for dental sealants is dependent on when the child grows in their molars. Usually, the first set of permanent molars grow in between the ages of 5-7. Similarly, the second set of permanent molars grow in between the ages of 11- 14. Dental Sealants are to be applied as soon as each set of molars have settled. However, older teenagers who are having cavity issues can also use dental sealants.
Dental sealants, although made from plastic are extremely safe. This is because the plastic that makes up the composition of the sealants are made from Bisphenol A. Bisphenol A or BPA for short, is widely used in many plastic products. You’ll be glad to know that dental sealants have an extremely low amount of the chemical BPA. In fact, there is 100x more BPA in our breathing air than in dental sealants. Nevertheless, if you want to avoid the plastic altogether, there are non-plastic dental sealants readily available by your pediatric dentist Houston.