Has your child lost their primary teeth prematurely and is encountering a problem with edentulism? Tooth loss and edentulism aren’t problems encountered exclusively by adults but equally affect everyone, young or old. Tooth loss during early childhood is standard due to playground injuries, tooth decay, or other dental infections. You may note your child also finds it challenging to eat foods and speak clearly because of tooth loss. You may wonder whether there are options to put an end to the problems your child encounters to restore their mouth’s functionality and their smile. If you are concerned about your child’s tooth loss, you must research pediatric partials near you by making inquiries to determine whether they are suitable for your child.
You cannot consider other options like dental implants, especially if your child’s permanent teeth are yet to emerge. Instead, you must discuss the problem with the pediatric dentist Houston to understand whether pediatric partials are appropriate for your child’s mouth.
Pediatric partials are dentist-destined answers for lost teeth in toddlers and young children between two and eight. Traditional solutions don’t work appropriately for children. However, pediatric partials are similar to adult partials custom created for the child’s mouth to temporarily replace their primary teeth until their permanent teeth erupt.
Pediatric partials similar to adult partials are custom-created prosthetic appliances to replace missing teeth. However, pediatric partials are temporary appliances and are only needed until permanent teeth emerge. Therefore the devices are simpler in design, cost fewer dollars to fabricate, and are designed for easy fitting and replacement.
Pediatric partials are available as fixed or removable. Removable partials are not challenging to remove or replace. However, your child can easily misplace them after removing the appliance from the mouth. If you want to avoid the chances of misplacement by your child, you can consider fixed pediatric partials held in place by an existing molar. Fixed pediatric partials also function as space maintainers and are helpful for aesthetic purposes with or without the artificial tooth.
The benefits of investing in pediatric partials for missing one or more teeth are enormous. Besides restoring the child’s ability to eat, speak, and smile, pediatric partials graciously instill the confidence they lost with their missing teeth in them. In addition, the temporary replacements prevent shifting of the remaining teeth towards the edentulous gap to create a bad bite. Most importantly, pediatric partials prevent plaque and food particles from remaining trapped in the vacant crevices to develop dental problems needing intensive treatments from dentists.
Pediatric partials, in particular, restore your child’s smile to its former glory while allowing proper speech development. In addition, the partials enable your child to eat and chew correctly and prevent the shifting of permanent teeth. Most importantly, the partials contain crowding and crooked teeth that often need orthodontic treatments with braces to straighten them. Therefore getting pediatric partials for your child is incredibly beneficial and prevents a host of problems that will befall them if you decide to ignore the replacements.
First of all, you must schedule an appointment with pediatric partials in Houston, TX, where the dentist at the clinic will take impressions of your child’s inner mouth to create a mold. The preliminary mold is processed in a dental laboratory using fabricator technology. As pediatric partials are not challenging to develop, your child receives the dental appliance the same day as you visit the pediatric dentist in Houston to get replacements for your child’s lost teeth.
The fitting of the pediatric partial completes replacing your child’s teeth. However, the temporary teeth require appropriate care and maintenance during the time your child wears them. Food particles can remain trapped in the partials to result in plaque buildup. Allowing plaque buildup to accumulate on the partials can create other dental problems affecting the gums and surrounding teeth. Therefore it is incredibly essential to supervise your child when getting them to brush their partials every day as a preventive measure so long as the appliance remains in their mouths.
You must also pay attention to the areas around the partial appliance. Initially, your child may experience some bleeding when brushing because their gums are inflamed. However, the bleeding subsides shortly, but you can make an appointment to see the Houston pediatric dentist if the problems persist in having adjustments made. Getting your child to brush the pediatric partials along with their teeth twice a day, flossing at least once and dental appointments for exams and cleanings also help maintain the pediatric partial and your child’s dental health in appropriate condition.