Thumb Sucking is normal when kids do it, but it can cause a problem when older children do it. Parents know that their children need to stop once they reach a certain age but they might not know an effective way to help their children break the habit. It’s not easy to stop sucking thumbs when kids have been doing it for years.
Many children stop sucking their thumb on their own between the ages of 2 to 4. If he/she doesn’t stop sucking their thumbs, then they will be judged and made fun off by their friends. Others children will tease the child and call him/ her a baby. Such peer pressure can make the child stop sucking his thumb, says Pediatric dentist 77084. As the child begins to limit his thumb sucking, he will stop it altogether gradually.
Thumb sucking doesn’t cause any problem till the child’s permanent teeth have grown. At this point, thumb sucking can change the shape of the roof of the mouth. Vigorous thumb sucking can also affect your child’s baby teeth. A child who sucks his thumb by the age of 5 should be seen by the Pediatric dentist in Houston.
Here’ a Look at What You Can Do to Stop Them:
According to Pediatric dentist near me, you must have a conversation with your child and explain to them how thumb sucking can affect their teeth. When they feel the urge to suck their thumb, they should ignore it.
You can take your child to the dentist in Bear Creek as he can offer professional counseling on the matter and it will be more effective than you talking to your child.
If your child takes steps to stop thumb sucking, appreciate them and take them for a walk or read them their favorite book.
According to dentist near Copperfield, if you notice them sucking thumb, you can remind them gently instead of insulting them.